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Kammerflage Kreations announces a new opportunity for our customers to bring a wonderful Kreation into their home with our Pet Female Program!! For those not wanting a breeder,
 our "Pet Female Program" offers a more affordable way to welcome one of our girls into your family!

A little bit about our Pet Female Program:
• Pet female panther chameleons will start at $229.00.
The age range will be 3 to 5 months old (unless mentioned otherwise).
Like our Pre-Order groups, individual pictures will not be included for the majority of our pet females. Every now and then, we may have a pet female available with individual photos at a slightly higher price point but most will be offered at the $229.00 price w/o pictures.
• No locale or lineage information will be provided as these lovely ladies are meant to be pets only (not to be bred).

These females are all produced by us and are of the same high quality as the females we offer as individuals or Pre-Order. However, since they are being sold without lineage/ locale information and are being offered exclusively as pets, we are able to offer these ladies at some very friendly pricing! A more affordable opportunity for those of our customers who have expressed interest in owning one of our girls as a pet!!

(If you wish to add an excellent female to your breeding program or wish to know who the parents were, we have many to choose from! Click here to see what we have available now!)

Tips for keeping a female panther:
The basic husbandry of a young male vs a young female panther chameleon is no different. The changes occur when they reach reproductive age, normally between the 5 to 8 months. Virgin females may develop a clutch of infertile eggs, even with no male present. As long you provide good nutrition, a proper habitat and a nesting container, the laying of these eggs should pose no problem for the female. If there is no nest site available, the female may hold onto the eggs, thus leading to egg retention which can become a big problem and even prove fatal in some cases. After laying the initial infertile clutch, in our experience, many females will either lay one or no more clutches after that. Beyond that, the care is straight forward and quite simple. Follow the same guidelines we provide in our care guide.
In our experience, around 30% or so of virgin females will lay a clutch of eggs. Results can differ and it is important to be observant and prepared, nevertheless. 
One way to help avoid a female laying an infertile clutch OR an overly large clutch is to not over feed her. Egg development is at least partially correlated to available fat stores. For this reason and the general health and wellbeing of your pet female, obesity is to be avoided. Most females will feed voraciously during growth and reproductive stages of life, so over feeding is quite easy. The goal should be to maintain a full, slightly rounded appearance but not overly fat. (See feeding guidelines on page 9 of our care guide)

Points of interest when keeping a "pet" (non-breeding) female panther chameleon:
Over the years we have kept a small number of females which we did not breed, making the following observations-
Non egg-laying females can sometimes grow to a much larger size than reproductive females. The energy which the females put into clutches of eggs, instead goes to their own growth! While they will still be smaller than a normal male, many of ours were at least 25% larger than an average female with one or two up to 40-50% larger!
We also noticed some real differences in coloration in the non-breeding females. Some developed blues and greens, others oranges and reds! Oftentimes our non-breeding females developed colors that are not typical for a breeding female and are really quite pretty! In one extreme case, we had a female who was so big and so colorful that we consulted with other experienced breeders. All were totally stumped and didn't even recognize the species due to her appearance being so unusual!
Non reproductive female panther chameleons have the potential to live a longer life than their egg laying counterparts. The normal lifespan of a reproductive female is 3-4 years under good conditions. We are aware of many virgin female panther chameleons who have reached 5 to 6 years with an outlier of 8!

Female panther chameleons are so very special! For those who would like to experience the joy of owning one of our amazing Kreations and would like to appreciate a real cost savings, our Pet Female Program may be the perfect choice for you!

 NOTE: Page 12 of our care guide is dedicated to female care with some information on a simple, DIY egg laying space as well! Here you can also learn some of the signs to look out for which could indicate that your female is carrying eggs.























NEW: Pet Female Program! - 6 - 7 month old Individual
NEW: Pet Female Program! - 6 - 7 month old Individual $ 289.00
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NEW: Pet Female Program!
NEW: Pet Female Program! $ 229.00
+ Quick Shop